Vladimir the Trainer

Give me any clever person who is fluent in two languages and wants to suffer a bit (but mainly win!) and I’ll turn them into a professional interpreter in a matter of weeks. Skeptical? Good!

And if you’re already a master, it’s quite possible I could help you become a grandmaster and reach your stellar linguistic goal: never hurts to ask…

Read the testimonials and then contact me!

“…This course gave me a new profession in record time, and I enjoy the never-ending self-development that it has to offer.”

“Vladimir, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. For me, this was much more than an interpreting course. Not only did I learn these skills, but I learned so much about myself and my abilities. For example, I realized that I am capable of much more than I had previously thought possible, and I learned amazing techniques to improve my memory and mental ability.

During our initial testing and first classes, I couldn’t for the life of me do simultaneous interpreting; when it came to the consecutive mode, it was hard to concentrate, difficult to get large sections of information across, and not easy to convey the speaker’s intent.

Then several weeks went by, and I was able to interpret a 15-minute speech simultaneously (the panic and the fluster went away). Now I could get ideas across clearly and precisely in consecutive and my sight translation also got much smoother and much more natural.

And hooray! I got my first translation job. All right, it was translation and not interpreting, but still – it’s a whole book entrusted to me. And interpreting work started coming as well – I got to translate a yoga class and I am planning to take on more, since now I feel confident that I can!

This course gave me a new profession in record time, and I enjoy the never-ending self-development that it has to offer.”

Julia F.

I have never experienced such an interpreting “drill” in such a short run. But this is exactly the type of challenge that makes your spirit and your new knowledge firm!
After doing all the exercises and passing the exam, I’m truly passionate about the interpreter’s craft.
All the more so, since your professional competence encourages one to be the ace of aces :)


“…I never thought that I would interpret, because it always seemed very hard and impossible. Now I realized that it isn’t that scary after all. I can hold a two-minute chunk in my mind and interpret it.”

“I loved this intensive course; there was a lot of new and valuable information. Its main advantage is that it was at such a fast
tempo and there was no time to rest and forget everything before the next lesson.

Every day we repeated what we learned in previous classes and learned new things, which helped me retain a lot of the information. In fact,
I never thought that I would interpret, because it always seemed very hard and impossible, since you need to think in two languages simultaneously.

However now, after the classes, I realized that it isn’t that scary after all, and anyway: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Now I can hold a two-minute chunk in my mind and interpret it into both Russian and English. I can listen to someone talking and
simultaneously interpret what he or she is saying. The knowledge that I gained will help me deal with the situation and do the work.” Liza V.

Liza V.

“…I wouldn’t have believed that it’s possible to improve that fast and acquire the ability to interpret that quickly. I could hardly believe my own ears when I had to interpret for some two hours, and did so.”

Being bilingual, I have always thought that interpreting between languages would hardly be a problem for me. I have never been so wrong. This was much harder than I had imagined. But then I got a wonderful opportunity to train with Vladimir Reznikov. I mean actually get trained by him personally on the course he had developed. And so, I was able to acquire the skill. For days we worked hard, doing exercises tailored to the goal. I wouldn’t have believed that it’s possible to improve that fast and acquire the ability to interpret that quickly. But at the end, after all the final tests, I could hardly believe my own ears when I had to interpret for some two hours, both consecutively and simultaneously, and did so with a minimum of mistakes. I was proud and thrilled. It’s impossible to express the gratitude for this very professional and incredibly effective approach that my trainer had. His study course is truly effective and I did acquire a future profession in a matter of days. Now I have no doubts that I can handle the upcoming interpretations for my father’s business project.

Daniel M.